I’m a-walking down Nathan Road with a strut in my legs like I’m dancing, the crowds thick as steam off the paving. Cars are pressed cheek to cheek and blowing fury and the neon billboards stretch into the middle of the road ends touching and bouncing fire red and orange; and I’m seeing all this on my toes, alive with the noise rattling in my ears, the clatter of kettle drums and disco beats, and high pitched screams like noodle sucks and slurps and the slice of a gaggling chicken throat.
Category Archives: Story
Apat. Life in Paradise Part 1
Karin skipped through the barriers and past a security guard. She took one final look back at me as, with her fingers, she pushed away the errant strands of her platinum hair and her eyes were green as the misty slopes of her Cambrian forefathers, glistening despite the cold neon lights.
Lima. Life in Paradise Part 2
Karin was with a friend. They came over together, grabbed another chair for our table, and then they sat down. Karin looked pleased to see me. Her friend looked at me with contempt. I didn’t look pleased to see Karin.
Anim. Life in Paradise Part 3
Rory sensed that I wanted to be alone so he arranged to meet me later that evening, then he flagged a jeepney to take him to Smokey Mountain. I just wandered around town.