Portraits of travel from around the world

It was women who led me to travel.

First Sophie stayed on a kibbutz for a summer and then traveled to Jordan and around. But once Bertie Tomashevsky returned from Thailand, she showed me photos of 15 months of travel through Southeast Asia, China, and Japan, and the world really opened up.

Aim high, they said.

Everyone else was telling me, No!

Today’s Posting

Veintiuno. Alice Part 1

When the woman I was making love to turned into a pig I knew that I had become too cynical. I watched her face fill out, her cheeks lose their definition and her nose turn up at me to form a perfectly cylindrical snout. Her skin became rough. It became pockmarked and covered in fine grey hairs and then her mouth widened and opened up to reveal a coarse and unclean set of teeth.